Entry #3: Silver Rectangle

    My eyes are closed. I'm laughing so hard at my sister's jokes. My parents and my brother are laughing, too. I can feel my stomach pushing on the pasta I just ate with every inhale and exhale. The laughter has died down a bit when the waitress comes back, bringing the check and these silver rectangles. Immediately, I take a small handful of the rectangles like a squirrel gathering acorns for winter. My family members give me one rectangle each for my collection; they know how much I love them.

    As I unfold the reflective flaps, a wall of brown peeks through, teasing me for what's to come. After I unfold the two smaller flaps, I take off the silver suit and fold it up neatly into the tiniest square I can manage. I start turning the shape over between my fingers, looking for the best side to start with. It's no bigger than an inch and a half, but the first bite must be up to standards. Finally, I stop. The half brown, half green object entered my mouth. The most satisfying sound blessed my ears. CRACK? No, not a CRACK. Not quite a SNAP, either. More like a soft thud.

    Chocolatey goodness is released in my mouth along with another flavor. Spiciness? It's more refreshing than spicy. It tastes sharp, but clean. Light, yet powerful. It tastes cold, despite being just barely below room temperature. The spicy-clean-light-powerful element is altering my perceptions. Could this be considered witchcraft? Whatever it is, it's good.

    I open the wrapper to another silver rectangle...
